CBSE Class 10 12 Exam cancel: what students and parents demand

CBSE Class 10 12 Exam cancel: what students and parents demand

CBSE Board Exams: Central Board of Secondary Education will begin the Term 2 examination on April 26, 2022 onwards for Class 10, 12. CBSE Class 10, 12 Exam cancel, what students and parents demand.

With the increase in COVID-19 cases, students and parents are now demanding to cancel the the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Council for The Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) 10th, 12th term 2 examinations concerning the health issues.

The CISCE ICSE, ISC semester 2 exams 2022 is scheduled to commence from April 25, while CBSE term 2 exams will be held from April 26. Candidates who have appeared for Term 1 examination will have to appear for CBSE Term 2 examination.

The CBSE Term 2 admit card for Class 10, 12 has been released by the Board on April 14 and candidates can download the admit card through the official site of CBSE on CBSE has also released Class 10, 12 Term 2 board exams admit card for private candidates on April 15, 2022.

The direct link to download the admit card is available on the official website of CBSE.  The CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 Term 2 examinations will begin on April 26, 2022 and will end on May 24 for Class 10 and June 15, 2022 for Class 12.

The CBSE term 2 examination will be conducted at various exam centres across the country. Students who want to appear for CBSE term 2 examinations will have to follow all the COVID19 guidelines strictly during the conduct of examination.

CBSE Term 2 exams 2022 will begin on April 26, 2022. The exam duration is for 2 hours. The CBSE Class 10, 12 term 2 exams will begin at 10.30 am on all days. CBSE term 2 exams will be held on the 50 per cent of the reduced syllabus as prescribed earlier.

The CBSE term 2 papers will have both objective and subjective questions – case-based, situation-based, open-ended short answer and long answer type questions. The term 2 exams will be held for a duration of two hours.

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